
Saturday, January 1, 2011

To Resolve or Not to Resolve...that is the Question!

So, the New Year is upon us once again! And once again, people are listing their New Year's resolutions either in conversation, on blogs, facebook, Twitter, etc. Some people are even resolving not to resolve! But still, resolutions are par for the New Year's conversations.

And when I am asked, "What is your New Year's resolution?"

I am usually one of those people that respond with,
I don't put such pressure on myself only to fail miserably by February. I don't make resolutions. I just try and live well every day of the year."


I do place a great amount of pressure on myself. Every day. And sometimes I fail and sometimes I don't. But most often than not, I am under a great deal of strain every single day eventhough I don't like to admit it. And it's not strain that others necessarily place on me. It's a lifestyle of pressure that I've created for myself.

I swear it's like a new 'syndrome.' It should have its own name. Kind of a catchy, yet clinical sounding name would be good.

Maybe it could be called the
Or how about the

So, with that said, this year I am making a resolve. A New Year's resolution, so to speak. And I resolve to let things be. Go with the flow. Relax. Not place so much pressure on myself to be everything to everyone. I resolve to take care of me and mine first and foremost.

The rest will fall into place...

Just the way it's supposed to.

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